Corporate Governance statement


这是通过与LEL的行政和高级领导团队保持透明和密切的工作关系来实现的,并支持这些团队实施公司的核心战略,这将使公司及其员工受益, its shareholder, the wider community it serves and the wider society.

公司通过一个由董事会组成的框架运作, and sub-committees of the board of which there are four (4) – Audit & Risk, Remuneration & People, Heath, Safety Environment & 运营和过渡——以及高管和高级领导团队, 他们共同努力确保公司及其董事能够有效履行职责. The Company delivers diversity and inclusion programmes to all employees. Click here for further details.

While the Company is not subject to any specific Governance Codes, LEL及其董事会旨在通过采用《十大靠谱彩票平台送彩金》所载的最佳管治实践,确保公司达到其目的.  The Company therefore prepares and publishes its Annual Report & Accounts on an annual basis in line with Governance best practice.

The role of the board and directors


From December 2020 to June 2021 the Board held monthly meetings.  The Board moved to a quarterly meeting calendar as at July 2021.  因此,季度董事会会议将在每年的1月、4月、7月和10月举行.

In addition, LEL将每月向董事会成员发布绩效报告,并制定一项协议,以整理和解决董事会的任何意见和问题.

董事会目前由10名非执行董事及一(1)名执行董事组成(截至2021年9月1日).  The Chair is considered to be independent.  Click here for further details.

Division of responsibilities

Chair and Managing Director roles are separate and clearly defined.

角色描述由董事会批准,明确规定了关键的责任领域.  年度报告明确指出谁是主席和常务董事.


董事会目前设有四(4)个小组委员会,每个小组委员会的主要职责载于其职权范围内. 各委员会主席应出席本公司年度股东大会,并回答股东有关委员会活动的任何问题. In addition, 委员会主席应寻求与股东就与委员会职责领域相关的重大事项进行接触.

  • The Audit & Risk Committee meets four (4) times per year.  该委员会的主要职责包括风险管理和内部控制管理.
  • The Remuneration & People Committee, meets at least two (2) times per year. 该委员会的主要职责包括履行公司及其子公司的职责,符合相关的治理准则和股东协议,因为它与招聘有关, retention and remuneration policies.  
  • 健康、安全和运营委员会每年至少召开三(3)次会议. 该委员会的主要职责包括批准公司识别和管理健康的政策和制度, safety, quality, 环境和操作风险以及相关实施实践的监督, performance and assurance.
  • The Transition Committee, meets at least three (3) times per year. 该委员会的主要职责包括监督LEL成功过渡到北十大网络彩票平台大全热电项目(NLHPP)正在建设的设施中。.

Development and Training


Information and Support

The Chair, supported by the Company Secretary, 确保董事会成员获得适当和及时的信息,包括就管治事宜定期简报. 

The Company Secretary

所有董事均可向公司秘书征求意见,也可就履行其职责的事项征求独立意见, at the Company’s expense.

公司秘书确保为每个委员会提供足够的管理咨询支持, including independent advice as required, at the Company’s expense.

The Company Secretary responsibilities includes: Ensuring good quality information flows from Executive management to the Board and its committees; Advising the Board on legal, compliance and corporate governance matters; Facilitating inductions and ongoing training for all Directors.



董事会和各委员会每年进行一次有效性评估, 每三年进行一次外部协助的绩效评估. 这些评估是根据守则所载的原则进行的, and consider the Board skills, composition and diversity, amongst other aspects.


All Directors are subject to re-elections every three (3) years. All Directors are subject to election by shareholders at the AGM. Following a formal evaluation, 董事会在年度报告中确认每位董事的贡献是否继续有效,以及是否, in their opinion, 股东应支持其当选或再次当选董事会成员.

The Chair

21st October 2021